A COVID Spike Study out of Yale Breaks the Alt Media, and I Call in to a News Show and Try to Tell the Truth
T-cell exhaustion and prolonged spike protein production found in some vaccine recipients.
Update on the fasting challenges: We’ve completed two 36-hour fasts as a group with a few people extending slightly beyond the 36 mark 👏🏻👏🏻.
This coming Monday was originally going to be a 72 but I decided to lead the group through a 48-hour fast first. However, the topic for the Live video this Monday will be how to do a 72-hour fast, so people can start mentally preparing and planning.
As of now, I’m planning the first 72-hour fast for March 9-12. If you have very high COVID antibodies, this longer fast is where the most healing will take place. For an in-depth explanation of how fasting rids the body of the spike protein, see my Live video from yesterday.
Here’s how you join the group fasts. First, become a paid subscriber to this Substack.
Then, you will start receiving emails that come only to paid subscribers about how to sign on to Substack Live videos, and how to join the paid subscribers’ group chat for support during the fast.
The Yale Study: “T-Cell Exhaustion”
Last Wednesday (2-19) was a big day. My texts, X account, and Substack notes newsfeed were bombarded with devastating news from a Yale study published that day. I also went on a news show at 6 am.
This Tweet from Alex Berensen garnered 5.6 million views:
Even Elon himself reposted about it:
Here’s the Rand Paul Review’s take:
The phrase “reawakened Epstein-Barr virus” caught my attention since, if you remember back to the first post I did on spike protein disease, I showed screenshots of a client’s bloodwork (with permission) who had high COVID antibodies with high Epstein-Barr markers.
As always, the most helpful in-depth review that I read of the Yale study is from A Midwestern Doctor: Yale Just Proved COVID Vaccine Injury Exists and Spike Production Persists for Years Inside The Body
I want you to stop for just a second and pay special attention the operative word in that title: “Production.” AMD is one of the most precise writers I have ever read, and she chooses each word carefully. The Yale study is proving spike protein PRODUCTION persists in the body.
This theory has been tossed around in alt media circles for some time, the theory that the vax turns the human body into a spike protein factory, but this study out of Yale presents the strongest evidence yet.
AMD further writes that the Yale study shows that:
The vaccine spike protein can persist in the body for at least 709 days and cause at least two years of chronic immunological suppression and autoimmunity that directly correlate to the presence of chronic illnesses.
If you prefer an extremely brief, as in a three-paragraph summary of the findings, check out Alex Berensen’s Substack (a little longer than his X post): VERY URGENT: Yale researchers have found immune system exhaustion and prolonged spike protein production in some Covid jab recipients.
And finally, for the very brave at heart, here is a link to the Yale pre-print study itself:
Immunological and Antigenic Signatures Associated with Chronic Illnesses after COVID-19 Vaccination
On Thursday (2-20), X was blowing up with people sharing the Yale study, as well as sharing the news that Trump might soon ban the mRNA gene therapy.
At one point on Thursday, the Yale study was trending on X, with around 30k tweets.
Here’s how Tom Renz chimed in:
Still a Pre-Print Study
Many are probably wondering what a pre-print study is. It means that none of the major medical journals have agreed to publish the study yet, despite the fact that Yale Medical School is a prestigious research institute, and the lead author, Dr. Bornali Bhattacharjee, is considered a top immunologist in her field.
This is a case where the medical journals are reluctant to do anything that would cause their Big Pharma overlords to look askance at them. It doesn’t matter how reputable the scholarship is and how significant the news is to the public, the major journals are waiting for someone else to take this one. They are cowards who want to stay above the fray. They worship at the altar of respectability, and almighty Pfizer will always be first in their hearts.
There’s Something You Can Do
As disturbing as this news is, we should be extremely thankful that resourceful doctors have been working diligently on a protocol to reduce the spike protein in the body as I outlined in this post: COVID Spike Protein Disease: What It Is and How to Recover.
Remember that fasting is the most powerful way to rid your body of the spike as described in this study published in the journal Endocrine and Metabolic Science: Exploring autophagy in treating SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-related pathology:
Autophagy has two major roles in treating spike-protein related illness. As spike protein both damages mitochondria (Kim et al., 2021; Huynh et al., 2023; Shang et al., 2021) and also inhibits their clearance through mitophagy (Shang et al., 2021), it is important to clear out the damaged mitochondria and restore proper energy function. Additionally, the other role is the removal of the spike protein itself, whether as a protein or composing an aggregate, where the aggregate can be composed of possibly misfolded proteins.
The bottom line that you need to understand from this study is that autophagy is involved in clearing foreign proteins. Your body needs a copious amount of protein to constantly remodel bone, muscle, and skin. When you deprive it of any incoming protein, it becomes extremely resourceful and targets foreign and misfolded proteins for recycling, including removing the spike protein. Furthermore, your body will target malfunctioning mitochondria in your cells that were damaged by the spike protein and replace them with fresh ones.
As soon as I say the word mitochondria, people feel often feel like things have gotten too “sciency.” But I don’t want you to be afraid of the term—it simply means cell power generator.
When you understand mitochondria that way, you come to see their vital significance. Damaged mitochondria mean that your cell is low on power. This is why Dr. Pierre Kory says that most of his long COVID and vax-injured patients have chronic fatigue syndrome. Your cells need fuel. Getting new, fully functioning mitochondria is your key to recovery. Fasting is the best way to allow the body to degrade poorly functioning mitochondria and replace them with fully functioning ones.
My Not-So-Well-Liked Cameo Appearance on 2WAY
My husband Chris had a bright idea: he asked me to go on a news show with him. He regularly listens to a morning news show called 2WAY hosted by career journalist
, Sean Spicer who was Trump’s Press Secretary during his first term, and Democratic strategist Dan Turrentine. The format of the show is interesting in that it operates as a Zoom call, and they spend the second half of the show allowing members from the audience, if chosen, to voice their opinions.I think a lot of you would like the show. The theme is peace, love, and understanding, and it makes a point to avoid being an echo chamber by encouraging dialogue from all ends of the political spectrum. Sean Spicer is obviously conservative having served under Trump, and Dan is what I would label a fair-minded Democrat who is quick to point out how grieved he is over the way the far left has hijacked the democratic party. He’s a person who can be reasoned with.
Last Tuesday evening (Feb 18), my husband was listening to Mark Halperin’s evening show, and a guy named Mike called in and complained about how the mainstream media largely ignores the COVID debacle. Halperin chimed in and said something along the lines of: “When you think about it, how is COVID not the story of the century, in terms of the harms of school lockdowns, destruction to small business, transfer of wealth, etc?”
This comment got Chris thinking. He said to me: “What if you go on and talk about the spike protein harms?”
It was a plausible idea since the show had called on Chris before. When he had a chance to speak, he talked about our son Isaiah’s recent trips to Mar-A-Lago to speak to an audience about nuclear energy and his start-up, Valar Atomics. This info got the 2WAY team so intrigued that they invited Isaiah on to be a guest on the show the very next morning, and Isaiah Zoomed in.
All that to say, the guys on the show have some familiarity with us, and this caused my husband to figure that if I sat there next to him for the Zoom call, they’d call on us to speak. He was right.
But the whole endeavor turned out to be a great disappointment, at least compared to how I had hoped it would go.
First I’ll critique my own performance, and then I’ll mention a few things that I think the 2WAY guys could have done better.
The biggest disappointment with the way I presented myself was that I failed to make a personal connection with the 2WAY guys right off the bat. Instead, I felt rushed and went straight to my point.
I needed to lead with something light and connect with the overall spirit of peace, love, and understanding they cultivate on the show. Chris and Isaiah’s appearances were both characterized by a spirit of friendliness, camaraderie, and goodwill. My guys came across as easy to like. I did not.
This is something that I, in my tireless pursuit of the truth, often overlook about human nature. People need to like you before they can listen to you. Screeching is never productive. Honey catches more flies than vinegar. Striking that tone is often hard for me when I’m talking about something I care about passionately. I wouldn’t say that I was screechy, but I came off as very serious.
My second failing was I forgot to budget brain space for the fact that Dr. Pierre Kory’s reputation was dragged through the mud when he was fired from his ICU for using IV vitamin C instead of ventilators and remdesivir to save his patients (a tactic which reduced the death rate by more than half). This meant that as soon as I mentioned his name and his clinic, people started commenting in the chat about his “questionable” reputation. There was no time for me to tackle this subject.
Third, having very little experience (read none) in interacting with news shows, I forgot about the tired old “we’re not medical experts” trope—the unspoken rule that the only people who are allowed to mention anything pertaining to how the human body functions are the high priests wearing the white robes who have gone through the big pharma brainwashing schools. The expert class knows everything—the regular person MUST NOT SPEAK.
Therefore, Mark’s first question to me after I stopped talking was: “Are you a medical professional?” To which I lamely responded, “No, I’m a health coach.”
With my tail between my legs, I thought, “Shoot, I forgot, this is how the world out there operates.”
Now, here’s my message to the guys at 2WAY. I get it. Someone calls into your show and releases a bombshell that you have no way of verifying: “100% of the patients at The Leading Edge Clinic have microclots rarely seen before COVID.” This wasn’t what you were expecting, and the medical angle isn’t your specialty. The show focuses mostly on politics. I get it. I understand why you responded the way you responded.
Even so, there’s another way that you could have responded, and that is with more curiosity about the possibility that what I just said could be true. Even though the medical angle isn’t a focus of the show, every one of your listeners lives in a human body. This info affects absolutely everyone. It just might be worth exploring. It might be the story of the century.
After all, the topic that I was addressing was “things that should be headlines of the century, and only get talked about on a corner of the internet.” 2WAY’s apparent lack of curiosity in following the trail to see if there is validity to my claim proved my exact point—that the media won’t touch this stuff. And 2WAY would like to stay above the fray on certain hot topics as well.
Here’s what you could have said instead: If one of our listeners would like to verify the claim that you just made, how would they do that? At this point, I would have said, “I’ll drop a link to an interview with Kory’s partner Scott Marsland in the group chat right now. Then people can verify for themselves. Pierre Kory has a Substack. It’s very well written. People should check it out.” You could have allowed me to show people where to go to find out more. Then the listeners would have had the opportunity to follow up.
It’s not hard to figure out if the claim is true or not. We have data from people’s blood before COVID, and we have people’s blood after. Isn’t journalism supposed to dig for answers?
I’m not saying that 2WAY has to make this the focus of every show. I was just expecting more agreement that the media is royally dropping the ball by not alerting the public of the harms of the spike protein.
But then Mark said something interesting at the end that opened my eyes to how the media doesn’t see itself as conveyors of the truth but as managers of the truth. He said something along the lines of, “The media doesn’t want to cause mass panic if people have been harmed, and there’s not much that can be done, and health insurance won’t cover costs to recover because it’s experimental.”
So that’s the media’s job, is it now? To decide what truths you and I can handle? I don’t know about you but if I had a disease with serious repercussions, I’d sure want to know it, right away, and I wouldn’t want those in the know to hesitate for the half part of a second while trying to determine if the knowledge is going to cause me to panic.
What we term “the public” is actually made up of individuals who each would equally like the truth about their bodies and what happened to them. How they react is beside the point.
My main point, my whole reason for going on 2WAY was to say: PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW. And everyone in the media has a moral obligation to do some degree of investigation and to report to some degree.
How many news stories in our lifetime can you think of that are more significant than having our long-term health seriously altered by a virus and vaccine?
And secondly, there are things that people can do. That’s what I wanted to discuss. I know there is a legal embroilment in “giving medical advice.” But I wanted to point people to the work of a medical doctor. I wanted you to ask, “How can people find out more?”
No, health insurance doesn’t cover Kory’s spike protocols. But most people can afford a $25 bag of nattokinase that will last about 6 months. Fasting is not only free, it saves you money. Ivermectin is covered by insurance if you can find a doctor willing to prescribe it. There are many things that people can do.
But it’s not the job of journalists to decide ahead of time that they’re not going to cover a story because “What are people going to do about it?” And, “It might cause mass panic.”
Here’s the unfortunate clip:
(Note: I configured the link so that the video starts where I talk with no time stamp needed.)
This, right here, is an example of why 1) I love Substack and 2) Substack, X, and podcasters such as Joe Rogan are replacing the dying legacy media.
Have you ever heard the statistics comparing Joe Rogan to CNN? Each Rogan show averages 11 million listeners, whereas the highest-ranking show on CNN averages 1 million.
I don’t believe that Joe Rogan or his guests get everything right. But there’s one thing that I can say for Rogan—he is trying to tell the truth instead of manage it, and I’m here for it, along with millions of others. (I just wish he would quit with the f-bombs!)
But Rogan is not making a calculation about what the public can handle, and what will cause panic, and whether or not there’s a readily available solution.
He does not stand as a self-appointed arbiter of the truth. He’s telling it like it is and people are flocking.
Now, in Halperin’s defense, he wasn’t saying that he approves of the mainstream media’s practice or that was his journalistic code of ethics. He was simply telling me how the media operates from his decades of experience. I’m thankful for the insight. I’m also disgusted.
It was extremely ironic to me, therefore, that later in the day my newsfeed was flooded with stories about the Yale study. I felt vindicated. I wondered if the 2WAY guys saw the study and felt just a little bit regretful that they showed so little curiosity in exploring my claims.
However, I don’t know how extensively the mainstream media covered the Yale study. I searched as best I knew how (that’s not a pond I often dip my toe into) including checking a few aggregate sites such as Drudge Report and didn’t see it mentioned anywhere. The one place I did find it might not be considered mainstream. It was under the right-leaning Daily Mail’s Health tab.
What would we do without Substack and X? If you saw the study discussed on a mainstream media site, please leave me a comment because I’m really curious.
I just want to close by saying I learned something important about my strengths and weaknesses. Some people have a gift for being diplomatic, bringing people together, playing the room—I.do.not.
When Dan Turrentine said, in response to my comment, “Well the vax did some good, and Fauci meant well but just made some mistakes,” I grabbed my husband’s leg and started cutting off his circulation (we were still unmuted at this point so I resisted the urge to scream).
This best summarizes my feelings about those statements:
But I want to be clear: I don’t have animosity directed at Dan himself or others for believing that. My frustration is at the fact that Fauci deceived people like Dan, continues to deceive them, killed people through the vaccine, and then, with Biden’s pardon, got away with it.
One of my many faults is that I completely lack the ability to bring someone along slowly without jumping straight to the truth.
There are two ways to wake someone up from a peaceful slumber. You can whisper gently in their ear Halperin-style, or you can put your face one inch from theirs and then scream on the top of your lungs.
Perhaps the second technique sounds cruel.
But what if the house is on fire? 🤔
I understand the value of a forum where everyone feels comfortable such that a person could show up who currently has a shrine to Fauci that they light a candle to (a real thing that people post pictures of) but then walk away thinking that maybe Fauci is fallible and did make some mistakes.
It’s a good thing if that person moves one step closer to the truth. Not everyone is ready for Rogan. My blunt tactic would cause them to shut down altogether and dismiss me as looney. So I respect people who have the gift of building consensus, I just do.not.have.that.gift. You might have noticed.
A few people have mentioned that I would have more readers if I didn’t take such a black-and-white stance on some controversial issues that alienate people of different persuasions. And this advice comes from people who agree with me completely on such issues. I try to listen to people’s advice. And sometimes I do take it.
But also, I’m here to say: I’m not for everyone.
I’m here to tell the truth, not carefully manage the truth. That will offend some (or many). It’s not my purpose to offend but it’s collateral damage from telling the truth.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke
To the guys at 2WAY: I’ll keep doing what I’m doing, and you keep doing what you’re doing. (But maybe you could do it with a tad more curiosity about the health dangers surrounding COVID and the vax.)
Just couldn’t help adding that last sentence,
Are you new around here? Welcome!
Allow me to show you around. I have some old posts you may be interested in.
I’ve organized my archives into two courses:
A Fasting Course that teaches you how to do intermittent fasting
And a Health, Nutrition, and Chronic Disease Course with modules
Here are a few additional posts from my archives that you might be interested in:
An Odd Cure for Incurable Cancer
How I Transformed My Health Part 1: My Intermittent Fasting Journey
If You're Looking for Health or Weight Loss Coaching, Here's the Low Down
Here’s a link to my health and weight loss coaching page
The Day My Mom Almost Died: My mom almost died of COVID
Appreciate the info. First time here. Some people can’t handle the truth (cut to Jack Nicholson with veins popping out of his face). I am like you and my wife struggles with my assessment that the global cabal (refuse to call them elites) are trying to kill us. Stay true to yourself.
I would be dead today if I did not scream at her to NOT take me to the hospital killing fields when I got violently ill during CV. Told her I would rather die in this car or in the hotel room than be murdered for money in the hospital. Figured out what was wrong in 15 minutes on my phone at the hotel.
I don’t think I would do well on that talk show either. Host “unfortunately we have lost our connection with the last caller. Moving on…”
Leslie, I didn't watch the 2WAY clip. But kudos to you for being able to assess your own strengths and weaknesses. Most can't. FWIW I think you do a fantastic job and are among the best (and smartest) presenters I've seen. I fully agree with the retired doc who commented recently on one of your articles that you do a great job synthesizing complex information in a way that everybody can understand. I've recommended you to many, telling them you're among my most trusted sources and offer some of the best health advice anywhere, right alongside A Midwestern Doctor. You do great work!