Dec 27, 2023Liked by Leslie Dennis Taylor

This is just what I need in the busy stage of life I’m in with three littles! Looking forward to starting the challenge with my mom as a buddy :)

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Leslie Dennis Taylor

Thank you for this post Leslie. You highlighted some important points that I don’t think I remember hearing before. Like Rosaria Butterfields comment about doing (obeying) first and finding the reason after. I’ve heard this many times in the context of “feelings follow actions” but didn’t apply it to fasting.

My personality tends to diminish my own expectations of myself in favor of others expectations of me. So it’s easy for me to say “I’ll start tomorrow or next week” when invited to lunch or having breakfast with my husband rather than committing to my own promises. Having a buddy may help but having someone tell me I have to (like a dr or a teacher) holds me accountable to someone.

Thanks again for your work and writing. I’d love to subscribe but have yet to find how to do that. If you’ll include that info I’d greatly appreciate it.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Leslie Dennis Taylor

I love that you quoted Rosario! I love her ministry and teachings!

I think I originally learned “act yourself into right thinking” at an AL ANON meeting when I was a very young adult (I am now 64). Thank you for the reminder.

I have soooo many whys at this point.

I have done IF for 4 years but struggle.

I need healing from Graves’ disease right now as well as getting my blood sugar down. (Pre diabetes). I could go on.

Time to take my health more serious for sure.

Thank you for the work you do!

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Leslie Dennis Taylor

So appreciate your wisdom here, Leslie. Doing some soul searching and planning today and your words are very encouraging. Thank you!

I’ve been traveling a lot over the last few months and have drifted into longer eating windows and food choices that certainly don’t serve me. Lack of sleep (normal for me sadly) and lots of family stress has not helped. Feeling out of control as this year winds down and know I need to decide on some solid rails to run on going forward.

I’m pretty sure I should buckle down and do ADF again. Need that obedience you were talking about, regardless of what others in my house are choosing! I bet I could find someone in the DDD community to buddy up with. 😊

I look forward to hearing about your January Challenge and as always, thank you for all the great content you share. I always learn something with every post. ❤️

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