"Let food be your medicine." God is good! He gave us everything we need! This is a wonderful article. Thank you for posting these inspirational stories! My heart celebrates for them. I have practiced as a nurse for over 25 years. I have had patients that were on 4 to 6 pages of meds. It was heart wrenching. Meds to offset the side-effects of the others. A vicious cycle indeed. I have since obtained my certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner. It is my heart to offer options to my clients to help their bodies heal themselves. Balance is key and it begins with what we put in it. Again thank you!🙏🏻

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Thanks for publicizing the curability of mental illness. Just because conventional psychiatry cannot cure illness does not mean it is incurable; it just means they are clueless about how to achieve cure. Dr. Abram Hoffer and other orthomolecular psychiatrists documented cures of schizophrenia with vitamin megadoses. In my own practice I have witnessed the cure of bipolar and schizoaffective and other psychotic disorders with homeopathic medicines. It is well documented that certain forms of system or strategic family therapy have resulted in cures of mental ill children and teens. However, conventional psychiatry and Big Pharma, who suck each others teats, profit from the notion of the incurability of all mental illness because that guarantees them lifelong patients.

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Don't forget Dr. William Walsh's approach to mental illness, Nutrient Power:


He found he could treat schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses by correcting nutrient deficiencies, most notably involving zinc and vitamin B6. I bet combining that with a low-carb diet would be a powerful cure.

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I had not heard about Walsh until recently when I was reading the GAPS diet book, and the mentioned mentioned how Walsh cured mental illness through vitamin B6 supplementation. Fascinating!

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I recently learned they used to treat schizophrenia with high dose niacin, apparently with quite a bit of success...

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I stumbled on your Substack. Wow! What a find!

I’m now in spread-the-word mode vis-a-vis what you are writing and contributing.

Thank you!

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Hi Gemma, Thank you for spreading the word on the amazing healing powers of the human body!

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