Leslie this newsletter was amazing! Completely agree with you on the food pyramid "BS" - wow, just wow. What else can you say? Garbage!! On a positive note - I appreciated your comments so much on how you are long term fasting, your fasting days, etc. I have been an IF 20/4 for about a year and have experienced much of what you discuss - very slow (if any) weight loss and (along with Gen & Cory) have decided to try the ADF. I completed my first 36 hour fast this morning. Fasting is not completely new to me but I was definitely experiencing "window creep" where I would eat earlier and earlier in my fasting window so I barely was getting 14 hours in. This 36 hr fast was AMAZING!! It was easy (I know they won't all be) I felt so energized - I even worked out twice, once in the morning and once when everyone was eating dinner so I wouldn't be tempted. I had the best night sleep in quite a long time and my GKI was optimal (I have a keto mojo for when I get down to being serious). I have decided my best fasting days will be Mon/Wed/Sat - suits my life right now. Thank you for your instructions - what helped me most I think was your comment somewhere along the way about the bad bacteria in your gut can't survive when you long term fast and it's deprived of glycogen. I have had a strange and very serious face rash (9 doctors couldn't figure it out - one of them named it dermititis) that has really corrected itself after a long 2 year haul with IF and pro-biotics. I'm committed to this ADF and look forward to the benefits I will reap!! Looking forward to your next substack newsletter! xoxo from Colorado

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Hi Kristen,

I'm so glad you made it through your first day of ADF. I was telling Gen the other day that when you're doing ADF, every other day feels like Christmas because of how exciting it is to eat after not eating for 36 hours. And I don't think the down days are too bad when you're used to do OMAD already. By the time you get to dinner, it's only a few more hours until bed. It's nice to meet another nerd who tracks GKI. I got my ketones to 2.1 the other day and my glucose was 78 so I was floored with that GKI! I get super excited about that stuff. My husband even lets me play guinea pig with him now and we write down and record his GKI too. 😂 I'll tell you what: starving those gut bacteria that send signals to your brain to eat sugar has been life changing for me. Three weeks of ADF and sugar cravings were beat. Keep me updated on your progress.

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Question for you - I have been dealing with menopause symptoms - my favorite has been the constipation lol! Do you find that ADF impacts this for you? I need suggestions to deal with this if you've got any! Thanks Leslie!

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I have a super simple solution you: take magnesium glycinate or magnesium malate. Both those forms work well but I personally take glycinate. Just don’t take the forms sold in most stores like magnesium citrate or oxide. Those two forms tend to give people upset stomachs.

To cure constipation, take 2 tablets twice a day. Once things get better, you can drop down to 2 tablets once a day. Both me and my hubby take Mag every day for other reasons as well because our soil is largely depleted of it. It prevents headaches and muscle cramps, helps with sleep.

Because it’s an electrolyte, you don’t have to worry about long-term toxicity like you do with something like vitamin A. However, there is an upper limit on how much you can take in a day bc if you get diarrhea, you’ll know you took too much.

I’m not big into taking tons of supplements in general but mag is what I tell people if you’re only going to take one supplement, make it magnesium.

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Great article , you are just scratching the surface of the corruption in the food and drugs industry and the influence they have. I've been fasting for a few years now and feel better now than any time since my twenties, however recently I've come across the ultra low carb or carnivore environment, it sounds extreme but it seems to get great results for lots of illnesses. as insulin is lowered continually, Here is a link to Anthony Chaffee MD interview with a doctor in Budapest where they put cancer in remission on a meat only diet,

As it's curing cancer the medical profession won't accept the results, well worth a listen , keep up the great work , Colin

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Hi Colin,

I'm actually very familiar with Dr. Chaffee and the carnivore movement! I love his videos and Dr. Ken Berry's too. In fact, I'm convinced that carnivore can heal many autoimmune diseases because of how the carnivore diet starves the pathogenic klebsiella bacteria present in most people with autoimmune (RA, Crohn's, etc.) See my post on autoimmune. I'm experimenting with carnivore right now myself to see if it will help with an autoimmune condition in my bladder called interstitial cystitis which I've had for 25 years. My husband is doing IF too and he's about 80% carnivore right now and enjoying it.

One of the biggest problems with getting people to consider carnivore is that the sugar lobby and the WHO have funded epidemiological studies trying to show a correlation between meat and colon cancer. Most people don't look carefully enough at the studies to know that they are full of holes and are statistically insignificant. But these studies that are constructed to have the desired outcome hit the headlines and then permeate the imagination of the general public.

If the truth is ever going to get out about alternative movements, it will have to be grassroots info. Thanks for helping to spread the word,


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Have you tried Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). This is the only FDA approved use of this by-product of wood pulp.

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Dr. Chris Palmer helped my son recover from Bipolar I with ketogenic diet. We started a non-profit initiative to fund research and provide resources and education. You can find our story and resources here: www.metabolicmind.org. Nearly 100 videso on youtube about metabolic psychiatry and ketogenic therapy for mental disorders.

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Hi Jan,

I'm so thrilled with your non-profit and the resources! I love that you are using the experience with your son to help spread the word. Is Georgia Ede apart of Metabolic Mind? I pre-ordered her book Change Your Diet, Change you Mind coming out in January. It looks fascinating.

Does your organization train metabolic coaches? In the future, I'm considering a program that would help me get some sort of a certificate so that I can help people needing metabolic therapies, maybe work alongside a psychiatrist. I'm realizing that people need on going support to make this possible.

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Ok thank you!! I do take one every night but it sounds like I need more!! I'll add that to routine!

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Leslie, is there one site or book which is better for one who would like to start trying a keto diet? Thanks

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My favorite keto book is by Dr. Ted Naiman. It's called the P:E Diet, which stands for The Protein to Energy Ratio Diet. It's a version of keto that emphasizes eating protein first since that is by far the most satiating macronutrient. Although the hard copy of the book is super expensive, I bought the Kindle version and it was very reasonable. You can also watch some of his videos on YouTube before you invest in the book. Furthermore, you can preview a lot of the book on his Instagram account: tednaiman. That's what I did before I bought it.

He says in his YouTube video that a family practice physician, he started his patients on the more traditional keto which is very high fat and lower protein. He found that most of his patients lost 10 lbs and then plateaued. When he switched them to the high protein version, they did much better. This is what I practice myself.

I'm not afraid of fat and I know it doesn't cause heart disease, I just don't need gobs and gobs of it. However, your body needs a certain amount of essential amino acids found in protein. So eat those first, with a little bit of fat, keep carbs as close to zero as possible, and you'll find yourself very satisfied. Here's a Ted Naiman YouTube video to check out that talks about his book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6fY7grEsaQ&t=19s

And by the way, I don't measure or weigh foods to figure the percentiles. I just eat the protein until I feel full. But it's good to understand the principles.

A few keto ditches to avoid: steer away from processed "keto" products; they're a scam. Don't try to make keto versions of too many baked goods: keto breads, keto cookies, etc. Avoid artificial sweetners especially all the diet drinks. They really make you crave sweets and make keto harder. You're wanting to retrain your taste buds and artificial sweeteners don't allow you to do that. It will be hard at first, but when your sugar cravings go away, you'll be glad you pushed yourself and didn't substitute a bunch of stevia and all that.

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Many thanks !

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Amazing article! I really enjoy reading your newsletter every week. Thank you so much !

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I'm listening to The Plant Free MD with Dr Anthony Chaffee: A Carnivore Podcast | Episode 84: Treating Cancer, Autoimmune Diseases, and More with Diet for Over a Decade with Dr. Zsófia Clemens! on Podbean, check it out!https://www.podbean.com/ei/dir-3j7y5-15b6c64c

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Thanks for the tip. I have listened to some of The Plant Free podcasts but not that particular one yet. I will give it a listen. So excited that doctors like Chaffee and Berry are spreading the word despite all the pushback they get from the uninfomed.

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