Are you planning on expounding more on the microbiome comment? Gut health seems to be a hot topic nowadays so I’m sure it’s susceptible to faulty science but there seems an evidence to support the idea of gut bacteria playing a key role in health.

I dabbled with the idea of being plant based after the biography of a vegan triathlete. I was so hungry all the time! I’m still ashamed that I was duped by that book. However, I’m thankful that I can move forward equipped with better information than I had before!

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Great explanation and information on the various digestive system.

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Human guts do look evolved for omnivory, but our molars do not look like a carnivore's.

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We do have the canines though for tearing meat. But the molars work well for chewing meat.

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At least if the meat has been cooked. Raw meat, not so much.

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Our canines are pretty small. Gorillas have larger ones, and are exclusively herbivorous. Dentition may not be a great guide here!

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Very informative.. loved it. But a funny.. to me anyway.. so this word caecum.. now I was wondering if the used word by some strange tribal group called Brooklyn Italians used the word going “caca”.. LOL..sorry.. was wondering if this weird tribe of people got it from its original as you wrote? And I gotta be careful cause this weird kid I know named Issac cracks up when I say b’klyn.. 🤷🏼‍♀️I think I’ve reached to age of repetition 😉 also hope you get a laugh from me getting off track.. but it’s a true story

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Oops - just listened to “More about understanding observational studies” and heard you plan to address this. Thanks!

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It seems this is leading to a more carnivore diet idea .....What do you think of Mercola and Georgi Dinkov and the need for carbs/glucose too??

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