As you get older, do you sometimes feel like your body needs an upgrade? Years of processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle take their toll which is one reason first-world diseases are on a violent uptick. But what if there were an easy way to update your body each day?
This newsletter is all about the upgrades that take place in the body when you participate in one of the oldest and simplest health practices of all time—fasting.
It’s the only health regimen that costs you nothing (it actually saves you money), requires no calorie or carb counting, no special shakes or meals, no supplements, no meetings, no complicated meal plans.
But there’s one thing that fasting does require: knowledge. The people who are successful at providing their bodies with daily upgrades are those who understand the magic that occurs when they fast.
The health world is bursting with reliable and well-documented information on the myriad of benefits of fasting but you won’t find this info plastered on the headlines. Why? Because when people fast, there’s nothing to buy. No one makes money—in fact, most markets stand to lose money when you fast. The entire project is centered around you NOT consuming something. Therefore, fasting information naturally gets buried under a thousand marketing interests.
If the average person doesn’t have time to dig for all the buried info about the life-changing benefits of fasting, how will the word ever get out?
Here’s where this newsletter comes in. I love reading up on health and science. And now is a great time to explore this hobby because so many excellent books have been written on fasting and wellness.
But much of the information is written by doctors and scientists for other doctors and scientists leaving the common person overwhelmed. However, I enjoy taking complicated science and making it relevant and approachable to the average busy person. I like boiling it down to the essentials.
Here are some of the fascinating topics that this newsletter will be covering in an easy-to-understand and practical way:
Autophagy: aka cellular recycling. In 2016, Japanese researcher Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery that when the body is deprived of food, it breaks down and reuses old and damaged cellular parts. This process is the primary mechanism by which fasting gives your body an upgrade.
Epigenetics: is the study of how certain gene expressions can be turned on and off by behavior. The old idea that our genes determine our health has now been debunked. Fasting is a key process in changing the expression of many key genes.
What really causes heart disease: it’s not fat and cholesterol as we’ve been told for 50 years. The sugar lobby paid three Harvard researchers to start that rumor. The true cause of heart disease will astound you.
Type 2 Diabetes: learn how it can be completely reversed in weeks without medication and how relying on medication destroys the body. You might not think this applies to you but lifelong diabetes researcher Dr. Jason Fung says in his book The Diabetes Code, “In the U.S., 14.3 percent of adults have type 2 diabetes and 38 percent of the population has prediabetes, totaling 52.3 percent” (p. 11). With over half of adults being affected, the chances are this applies to you or someone in your family. (Did you know diabetes begins damaging the body 7 years before diagnosis? Stay tuned to learn about a test few doctors recommend but can identify prediabetes years before the standard tests.)
Since The American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates the annual cost of diagnosed diabetes is at an astounding $245 billion in the United States, Big Phama stands to lose a lot! There aren’t any big interests who want to get the fasting word out.
We’ll be reviewing books that are full of information you need but don’t have time to find. Our first few will be Why We Get Sick by Benjamin Bikman, PhD; Lies My Doctor Told Me by Dr. Ken Berry; and The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong--and How Eating More Might Save Your Life by Dr. James DiNicolantonio. With the myriad of viruses spiraling out of the COVID pandemic, what better time is there to understand why we get sick?
Lastly, this newsletter will highlight stories of people whose lives have been radically changed by intermittent fasting. For instance, Chelsea Hoffman was obese since age 5, weighed 300 lbs in college, and tried every diet under the sun. In 2019 she started intermittent fasting (IF) and now weighs 138 lbs claiming that “IF is the most sustainable thing I have ever done.” But best of all her asthma, severe IBS, plantar fasciitis, and allergies have all disappeared. (You can listen to her tell her full story here.)
Health Testimonials: I’ll be sending you links and summaries to testimonials you’ll have to read to believe: eyesight improving, psoriasis disappearing, autoimmune diseases put into remission, and let’s not overlook the importance of increased energy and focus.
I love scouring books, podcasts, YouTube, Instagram, etc for all the latest info and spreading the word to others about the amazing benefits of intermittent fasting.
Big Pharma wants to medicate you and big farming wants to fill you with industrial seed oils and high-fructose corn syrup. It’s time to take your health back. Knowledge is power! Join me on a fasting and health journey that will cost you nothing. Big Pharma stands to lose major bucks from this info but the only thing you stand to lose is your health problems and maybe a few extra pounds.
The new you awaits!