The Glories of Vitamin C Part 2
What if an inexpensive cure for polio was presented before the AMA in 1949 and they completely ignored it because they had a vaccine underway? New boss same as old boss.
You can find part 1 of my vitamin C series here, and part 3 here.
Regardless of any claims to the contrary, no one who has done a critical appraisal of the scientific literature can say anything other than “Vitamin C is one of the safest substances on earth.” -Primal Panacea by Dr. Thomas Levy pg. 72
[Important correction: In my previous vitamin C stack, I recommended a product called C-Salts because it’s more gentle on the stomach than straight ascorbic acid. However, I did not look carefully at the ingredients, and I now realize that this form of vitamin C is bound to calcium. I apologize for not doing my due diligence!
If you bought the product, it’s fine to use up the bottle. However, long-term calcium supplementation is very harmful to the body. Thomas Levy wrote an entire book on this called Death by Calcium. At my house, we will finish the product but then I’ll switch to a product where the vitamin C is bound to magnesium instead for daily use. This is still gentle on the stomach and has the extra benefit of providing magnesium. I plan to use liposomal C when we’re sick because of how much more effective the absorption is. I’ll cover liposomal in depth in part 3 next week.]
The Mind-Blowing Benefits of Vitamin C
One book that belongs on everyone’s shelf is Thomas Levy’s Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins. In this meticulously researched book, Levy cites over 1,200 medical papers demonstrating vitamin C’s incredible power to cure a wide array of diseases.
This would be a good book to have on your shelf because Levy points out that the life-saving potential of high-dose vitamin C is not widely recognized in the mainstream medical community. Therefore, if a loved one takes a sudden turn for the worst, you will likely have to advocate for high-dose IV vitamin C therapy.
Because the book contains such extensive references to medical studies proving vitamin C’s safety and efficacy, it would be hard for a hospital to turn down your request. In fact, Dr. Levy wrote the book for other medical doctors and researchers and therefore used copious citations to prove his assertions. However, the text is still accessible to the common person.
From the Table of Contents of Curing the Incurable, here is a list of diseases that high-dose IV vitamin C therapy has either completely cured or lessened the severity of in numerous well-documented cases:
Polio (Curable and Preventable)
Additional Viral Diseases and Vitamin C
Viral Hepatitis (Curable and Preventable)
Measles (Curable and Preventable)
Mumps (Curable and Preventable)
Viral Encephalitis (Curable and Preventable)
Chickenpox and Herpes Infections (Curable and Preventable)
Viral Pneumonia (Curable and Preventable)
Influenza (Curable and Preventable)
Rabies (Preventable; Curable-?, Reversible-?)
AIDS (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?)
The Common Cold (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?)
Ebola Virus (Curable-?, Reversible-?, Preventable?)
Non-Viral Infectious Diseases and Vitamin C
Diphtheria (Curable and Preventable)
Pertussis (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?)
Tetanus (Curable and Preventable)
Tuberculosis (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?)
Streptococcal Infections (Curable and Preventable)
Leprosy (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?)
Typhoid Fever (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?)
Malaria (Reversible; Curable-?, Preventable-?)
Brucellosis (Reversible: Curable-?, Preventable-?)
Trichinosis (Reversible; Curable-?, Preventable-?)
Other Infectious Diseases or Pathogenic Microorganisms and Vitamin C
Amebic Dysentery (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?)
Bacillary Dysentery (Curable and Preventable)
Pseudomonas Infections (Curable and Preventable)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) (Curable; Preventable-?)
Staphylococcal Infections (Curable and Preventable)
Trypanosomal Infections (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?)
I was excited to see strep listed up there. My crunchy mom friends and I have long wondered if there is a cure for strep other than antibiotics. After Levy documents numerous cases where vitamin C cured strep, he concludes:
Streptococcal bacterial infections appear to be very susceptible to low-dose supplemental vitamin C.
However, he means “low dose” as opposed to the tens of thousands of mg required in many infections. In the case of strep, it may need at least 4,000 mg of liposomal vitamin C spread throughout the day.
Pg. 124 states that in a paper by Kaiser and Slavin (1938):
The authors also looked at the inhibitory effect of various dilutions of vitamin C on the growth of virulent hemolytic streptococci. They found that the streptococci were completely inhibited in 21 consecutive experiments while in all instances the control bacteria grew freely. Similar results were obtained with pneumococci bacteria, a pneumonia-causing strain of streptococcal bacteria.
In chapter 3, he lists toxins that IV vitamin C can effectively neutralize:
Alcohol (Ethanol)
Carbon Monoxide
Fifty-One Miscellaneous Toxins
Mushroom Poisoning
Six Types of Pesticides
Strychnine and Tetanus Toxin
Trypanosomal Infections
As I mentioned in my first post on vitamin C, all viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and toxins can be described on the molecular level as stealing electrons from healthy tissues. Vitamin C has two electrons to donate to the invader which spares the body from the damage. However, the dose of the vitamin C needs to match the level of assault. This is where high-dose IV vitamin C therapy comes into play.
If all this is true, that vitamin C can cure all these things and this has been studied since the 1930s, I’m sure you’re wondering why it’s not the standard of care. To understand that, I’ll tell you the story of Frederick Klenner.
The sordid history of the high-dose vitamin C coverup
In the 1940s, a physician named Frederick Klenner pioneered the field of high-dose Iv vitamin C therapy by successfully treating many infections that are still considered incurable such as polio, tetanus, encephalitis (brain infection), and many other infectious diseases. Furthermore, he demonstrated that fatal doses of carbon monoxide, heavy metals, pesticides, and even snake bites could be rendered inert through high enough IV doses. The most amazing thing about this pioneering work is that there were no negative effects from this treatment.
Polio had risen to an epidemic in the 1940s, but Frederick Klenner was on the lookout for a cure. On June 10, 1949, he presented his work before the annual session of the American Medical Association (AMA) in Atlantic City, New Jersey. There he declared that he cured 60 out of 60 cases of Polio in 72 hours using large amounts of IV vitamin C.
He told the audience:
In the past seven years, virus infections have been treated and cured in a period of 72 hours by the employment of massive frequent injections of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. I believe that if vitamin C in these massive doses — 6,000 to 20,000 mg in a twenty-four hour period — is given to these patients with poliomyelitis none will be paralyzed and there will be no further maiming or epidemics of poliomyelitis.”1
But instead of the AMA applauding his work and encouraging other doctors to put further research into this, his work was completely ignored. It turns out that the polio vaccine was already underway, and that’s where the AMA had all its attention focused. The excellent article The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine goes into more detail about this sordid time in medical history.
Even though the medical establishment ignored Klenner’s work, he received letters from doctors all over the country who had heard about his IV vitamin C therapy and had similar success. However, they noted that smaller doses were ineffective.
But here’s a real clincher from the article. In 1954, five years after Klenner’s groundbreaking vitamin C research had been presented before the medical elites, congress appropriated $1,000,000 to find a cure for polio. 🤔 You can’t make this stuff up.
Exasperated, Klenner wrote in 1959:
To those who say that Polio is without cure, I say that they lie. Polio in the acute form can be cured in 96 hours or less. I beg of someone in authority to try it.
But no one with any clout did try it. It remained an obscure treatment that only doctors willing to think outside the box ever used.
COVID opened a lot of people’s eyes to the medical establishment's corruption but the truth is that simple, safe, and cheap treatments have been suppressed for a long time.
More High Dose Vitamin C Success Stories
In 1950, a researcher named M. Zureick reported that 327 out of 327 cases of shingles were completely resolved within 72 hours of high-dose IV vitamin C.2
In 1984, Dr. Robert Cathcart summarized his findings using vitamin C for AIDS by saying that any AIDS patient could be put into remission if given enough IV vitamin C to treat both the AIDS virus and any secondary infections.3 (Full text here).
Dr. Klenner successfully treated drug overdoses, many different poisonings, and venomous snake bites for over twenty years and published these case findings in peer-reviewed medical journals.
In the 1950s and 60s, a French physical named Bastien successfully treated 15 patients from deadly mushroom poisoning using IV vitamin C. He became so confident in this treatment, that on two occasions, he publically consumed a lethal dose of deadly mushrooms to prove how effective the vitamin C treatment is. For a short time, this became the treatment in some medical centers in France.4 But then it was forgotten.
Here’s a story that I think you’ll find astounding:
In 2009 intravenous vitamin C cured a comatose swine flu patient who was literally at the point of being removed from life support. He had also been diagnosed with white-out pneumonia and “hairy cell” leukemia. This incredible story, entitled “Living Proof?” was documented and aired by New Zealand’s version of 60 Minutes in August 2010. The attending doctors had wanted to “pull the plug” that had been sustaining this patient’s life for the prior month, but the family insisted that Klenner-sized doses of vitamin C be tried first. The clinical response was quick and stunning. Almost immediately, the patient’s lungs began to clear and he recovered enough to be taken off life support. Within a few weeks, he walked out of the hospital. Furthermore, his leukemia appeared to have resolved along with the swine flu. Even with this miraculous turnaround and no other explanation, nearly all of the doctors reviewing the case concluded that his recovery was a coincidence — that his healing had nothing to do with the infusions of vitamin C. Primal Panacea by Dr. Thomas Levy pg. 14
You can watch the episode detailing the story here.
The safety of vitamin C
Thomas Levy writes:
After over 15 years of research and personal observation, I can categorically say that high-dose vitamin C is a clinical miracle when compared to all of our modern drugs. Furthermore, volumes of studies exist that say it works. It’s one of the safest substances known to man — we have yet to discover a toxic dose for vitamin C, a bit of a miracle itself. Even when hundreds of grams have been administered within a few days, the only side effect is good health. Its cost is microscopic compared to the cost of most prescription drugs and therapies. Many of the diseases and conditions that vitamin C has been shown to cure remain “incurable” with conventional medications.
High-Dose Vitamin C and COVID
Levy states that whenever vitamin C studies didn’t show efficacy, it was because they didn’t use enough. Although strep can be deterred with a relatively small amount, viruses such as the cold and flu need substantially more. On pg 87 of Curing the Incurable, Levy says:
Cathcart (1981)… found that colds seemed to require much more vitamin C than was suggested in any published study before or since this observation. Specifically, Cathcart described a “mild cold” as typically requiring 30,000 to 60,000 mg of vitamin C.
PubMed has a number of studies concerning IV vitamin C therapy and COVID, some with positive outcomes but some that appear to want to fail. For example, in this one, they gave the patients only 1.5 grams (or 1,500 mg) four times a day when the literature says they need ten times that much or more. So it’s not a surprise that those subjects didn’t see a huge improvement. Such a small dose is insulting to IV therapy because a person can easily take that much orally every six hours and skip the IV.
This study used 10 grams:
One hundred four patients underwent high-dose intravenous administration of vitamin C (in addition to conventional therapy), precisely 10 g in 250 cc of saline solution in slow infusion (60 drops/min) for three consecutive days. At the same time, 42 patients took the standard-of-care therapy.
I’m not sure if that means that the intervention group received the 10 grams spread over three days or 10 grams per day. Regardless, the study concluded:
When considering the length of hospital stay, treatment with high-dose vitamin C predicts shorter hospitalization.
Modern Uses of High-Dose Vitamin C
Every once in a while there comes a doctor who is unsatisfied with the standard of care and does his own research. One such hero is Dr. Paul Marik who pioneered an ICU therapy for sepsis that reduced ICU mortality from 40% down to 8% using IV vitamin C. That’s quite a reduction to save four out of five people who were dying from the standard care. In addition to vitamin C, he also put thiamine (B1) and hydrocortisone into the IVs as well to keep the patients from septic shock.
He tells the story in this video of the first time he used IV vitamin C on a patient with such severe sepsis that she was in multi-organ failure, and her death was imminent. Marik had heard of high-dose vitamin C but never given it. He started it at night and by the morning, she was off of life support. He couldn’t believe the improvement.
He began giving a vitamin C IV to every sepsis patient, and the nurses, who have a front-row seat to all of this, kept asking Marik what was going on, and how all these patients were recovering who used to die. Marik considered doing an intervention trial where some received vitamin C and others didn’t, but the nurses talked him out of it saying that it would be unethical to not give it to everyone just to prove it works. Marik agreed but still published the findings on his success.
What happened next is very hard to believe. But the story is told in full in this 12-minute video. A clinical trial was designed with the intent to prove Marik’s protocol didn’t work. The way they accomplished this was by waiting too long after the sepsis patient arrived at the hospital to start the IV. Conveniently, Marik was not allowed to have any say in how the trial was designed. Instead, they invited Marik to a convention, stuck him on stage, and then announced the result of their monkey trial showing no improvement in the intervention group. After the announcement, Dr. Pierre Kory stood up and asked why the third-world countries were able to get the IVs into the patients immediately but in this trial, they didn’t. There was no explanation for the life-threatening delay. Corporate medicine at its finest.
I tell you this to answer the question that you must be thinking: if all this is true, why is it rarely used?
I’ll let Dr. Marik answer that for you:
If you challenge the narrative and show that your treatment is actually efficacious, safer, and cheaper than that being promoted by the CDC, the NIH, the federal government, you are an enemy of the state and they were going to do whatever they could to take me down.
In this quote, he is referring to the fact that when COVID began, he took what he learned from his sepsis protocol and made a similar protocol using vitamin C, methylprednisolone (steroid), thiamine, and heparin (a blood thinner). This brought the COVID fatalities in his ICU to 8% when the nationwide rate was 20%.
An interesting note: he originally added thiamine to his sepsis protocol because he mistakenly thought that vitamin C could be toxic and he thought that thiamine would offset that. Later when he found out that vitamin C is never toxic but he realized that thiamine was helpful for other reasons.
Unfortunately, his hospital eventually forbade him from using his protocol even though it’s fully within his legal right as a physician to use any FDA-approved substance as he sees fit. The week that the e hospital told him he couldn’t use his effective protocol for COVID, there were seven people in the ICU with COVID and all seven of them died including a woman in her 30s. Marek broke down crying while testifying at a senate hearing about this because he was certain that he could have saved several if not all of them and especially the young woman. (Short video clip here).
When he sought legal counsel on how to proceed, the hospital made up false charges against him, dismissed him, and reported him so he could never practice medicine again.
But maybe, just maybe…all of this corruption could change? Maybe the day is not too far off when high-dose IV vitamin C will be available to all. After all, vitamin C costs mere pennies—perhaps its biggest drawback to an establishment drunk on exorbitant profits.
But I feel hopeful as RFK Jr has specifically stated that he wants to bring back all the suppressed treatments.
Knowing human nature, it’s not too hard to believe that there are evil forces out there that view sickness as a lucrative financial opportunity, and they don’t want some simple, cheap, safe compounds such as vitamin C competing with their expensive, dangerous, and oh-so-complicated chemical formulations that they control, patent, and only allow licensed providers to use. It’s a monopoly of the worst kind.
Most doctors are good people who want to help but are caught in a broken system. It has never occurred to them to do their own research and think outside the box. In fact, it’s been hammered into them not to. So now is the time for us to shore up forgotten knowledge so we can be ready to ask for the right things when they become more widely available.
Getting access to an IV for minor sicknesses
My town has a mobile IV clinic that will come right to your house. And if my small town has one, you likely have access to one as well.
The process works like this: you schedule an appointment, they come to your house, sometimes as soon as the same day, and you do a Televisit with their provider who approves the IV. The drip takes usually two hours or so and costs around $200.
I talked to the owner yesterday and asked how much vitamin C they can give and she said 7,500 mg. I was impressed by that amount. I know that it’s not the 30,000 that some researchers used but it would definitely give you a boost for minor health problems. She said they technically can give even more but the medical director would want to take some labs first.
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Allow me to show you around. I have some old posts you may be interested in.
I’ve organized my archives into two courses:
A Fasting Course that teaches you how to do intermittent fasting
And a Health, Nutrition, and Chronic Disease Course
Here are a few additional posts from my archives that you might be interested in:
How I Transformed My Health Part 1: My Intermittent Fasting Journey
If You're Looking for Health or Weight Loss Coaching, Here's the Low Down
The Day My Mom Almost Died: My mom almost died of COVID
[This newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not designed as a substitute for medical advice or to treat, diagnose, or cure a medical disease. Talk to your doctor before beginning any dietary changes or starting fasting, especially if you are on medications for diabetes. Fasting while taking certain medications such as Metformin and especially insulin can lead to dangerously low blood sugars. If your doctor does not support fasting, search for a physician who will support your fasting journey. Fasting is not recommended for those pregnant, breastfeeding, or for children and teens still growing and developing. For those with diabetes, personal fasting coaches are available through I receive no compensation or ad revenue for anything in this newsletter including links to books, videos, websites, coaching services, podcasts, or supplements.]
Landwehr R, “The origin of the 42-year stonewall of vitamin C” Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 1991 6(2):99-103.
Zureick M. “Treatment of shingles and herpes with vitamin C intravenously.” Journal des Praticiens 1950 64:586.
Cathcart R. “Vitamin C in the treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).” Medical Hypotheses. 1984 14(4):423-433.
Laing M. “A cure for mushroom poisoning.” South African Medical Journal 1984 65(15):590.
Leslie, your vitamin C post is very interesting and packed with good info (as usual). I’ve been taking 4 to 6 grams daily for almost a year. I’ve used Dr. Mercola’s liposomal formula, NOW brand’s C-1000 with BioFlavonoids and NOW brand’s vitamin C crystals. I prefer the crystals because it’s easy to get a high dose (1/4 teaspoon = 1,100 mg) and I like to avoid ingesting capsules (and the crystals are very inexpensive). I haven’t had any trouble tolerating any of the formulations — maybe I’m just lucky.
A couple of other noteworthy uses for vitamin C include cancer and heart disease. I know you’ve posted about FenBen and you read Dr. Makis so you know the cancer story. I mentioned during one of your office hours a few months ago my own experience with ultraviolet blood irradiation (w/ ozone) — I credited it for a significant reduction in C-reactive protein. The clinic where I did UVBI also treats cancer patients using a protocol much like the protocol Dr. Makis published. A key part of the clinic’s protocol, as with Dr. Makis’s protocol, is high-dose vitamin C — they use 125 grams (not a typo) administered intravenously. I talked with two cancer patients who were getting vitamin C IVs while I was doing UVBI therapy. Both had stage 4 cancers (one had breast cancer, the other had stomach cancer). Both are women in their 30’s. Both were told by their respective oncologists their cancers were too advanced for treatment, they had only months to live, and to get their affairs in order. Both now are cancer-free. One had run a half marathon the week before I met her. Both are continuing with the IV treatments (I think because of its many other health benefits) as well as various other parts of the protocol that also includes UVBI, keto, fasting, and other things. I talked with both patients and the nurse who administers the IVs and who was doing my UVBI therapy about their cancer treatment and what they credit for the success. Both patients were quick to credit “dog de-wormer” (aka FenBen) while the nurse thought vitamin C probably was the key. I suspect it was a combination of things, but all three know more than I know — it was my first awareness about any of those cancer therapies. The nurse said they have many patients with similar stories.
About vitamin C for heart disease, years ago (late 80’s/early 90’s) Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes, published his Unified Theory of Heart Disease. He believed heart disease was caused by vitamin C deficiency (not high cholesterol). He said heart disease was essentially a chronic scurvy, explaining that vitamin C deficiency causes arterial damage (i.e., cracking). He showed that high-dose vitamin C would reverse the damage and, combined with the amino acid lysine, would repair the arteries. Interestingly, Pauling’s high-dose vitamin C is a different order of magnitude than what's used in the cancer protocols — Pauling recommended a relatively small 4 to 6 grams per day (or to bowel tolerance) taken orally in divided doses. (Pauling disagreed with the prevailing cholesterol story. About the fact arterial plaques contain cholesterol, Pauling argued cholesterol isn’t the problem; rather, cholesterol actually is the body’s repair mechanism. The cholesterol-containing plaques patch damaged arteries, effectively preventing internal bleeding from killing the patient.) More about Pauling’s unified theory of heart disease (and the usual industry efforts to block effective therapies) can be found here Pauling’s theory originally was published in 1992 in what is now the Journal of OrthoMolecular Medicine
I have a couple questions - one is I have achenbach's syndrome (fragile veins in fingers that can lead to painful bursting and bruising common in middle age) I've read something that Vit C can help that; however, as someone who has had chronic uti's over different periods I put it together that too much Vit C can lead to urine oxylate or painful crystals. Oof . What to do.